Sl.No. | Title | Name of Periodical | Periodicity | Date |
1 | Why Statistics is the Core Pillar of Data Science Success | 3rd edition of departmental magazine INFOSPACE | Annual | 19/09/2024 |
2 | The World As A Statistical World | DATA CRUISE", the yearly magazine of the Department of Statistics and Data Science. | Annual | 20/01/2023 |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of Journal | Date of Publication | Volume No/Issue No/Page No | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Tracking Sigmoid Regression with Multicollinearity in Phase I: An Approach Incorporating Control Charts | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 02-Aug-2024 | 1051 / - / 244-255 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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2 | Taming the Complexity of Distributed Lag Models: A Practical Approach to Multicollinearity, Outliers, and Auto-Correlation in Finance | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 26-Jun-2024 | 922 / / 237-245 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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3 | Enhancing Medical Decision Support Systems with the Two-Parameter Logistic Regression Model | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 26-Jun-2024 | 922 / / 195-202 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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4 | Unpacking the burden of hypertension and diabetes in Karnataka: implications for policy and practice based on NFHS-5 findings | International Journal Of Diabetes In Developing Countries | 13-Sep-2023 | / / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 | On the Quick Estimation of Probability of Recovery from COVID-19 during First Wave of Epidemic in India: a Logistic Regression Approach | Statistics in Transition | 28-Jun-2022 | 23 / 2 / 185-196 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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6 | Lifestyle Diseases Prevalent in Urban Slums of South India | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 27-Aug-2021 | / 290 / 356-365 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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7 | Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Bangalore | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | 27-Aug-2021 | 290 / / 285-294 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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8 | Reliability, maintainability and sensitivity analysis of physical processing unit of sewage treatment plant | SN Applied Sciences | 29-Oct-2019 | 1 / 11 / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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9 | Met and unmet need for contraception: Small area estimation for Rajasthan state of India | Statistics in Transition New Series | 01-Jun-2017 | / / - | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Sl.No. | Type of Program | Role | Name of Program | Title of Paper | Date | Organising Institution | Level |
1 | Conference | Presenter | 5th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-24) | Dynamics of Socio-Economic Factors in shaping Fertility Rates in Manipur: A Robust Poisson Regression Framework using NFHS-5 Data | 07/11/2024 | Christ University | International |
2 | Conference | Presenter | 5th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-24) | Robust Regression Approaches for the Fama-French 5-Factor Model: A Real Data Study | 07/11/2024 | Christ University | International |
3 | Conference | Presenter | 5th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-24) | A Novel Ridge Estimator for the Liu-Type Logistic Regression Model and Its Application to Demographic Data from Urban Slums in Karnataka | 07/11/2024 | Christ University | International |
4 | Conference | Participant | 5th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-24) | 07/11/2024 | Christ University | International | |
5 | Conference | Presenter | 14th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications held on December 14-15, 2023. | Enhancing Education Policy Estimation: A Novel Ridge Fuzzy Regression Approach for Handling Multicollinearity with Fuzzy Input Data | 14/12/2023 | Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence Auburn, Washington, USA | International |
6 | Conference | Presenter | 14th Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA?23) | Optimizing Healthcare Analytics: A Zero-Inflated Poisson Approach to Pediatric Emergency Room Visits | 14/12/2023 | Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence Auburn, Washington, USA | International |
7 | Conference | Presenter | 23rd Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA?23) | Tracking Sigmoid Regression with Multicollinearity in Phase I: An Approach Incorporating Control Charts | 11/12/2023 | Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) Scientific Network for Innovation and Research Excellence Auburn, Washington, USA | International |
8 | Conference | Presenter | 4th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security | Enhancing Medical Decision Support Systems with Two-Parameter Logistic Regression Model | 02/11/2023 | Christ University | International |
9 | Conference | Presenter | 4th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-23) | Taming the Complexity of Distributed Lag Models: A Practical Approach to Multicollinearity, Outliers, and Auto-correlation in Finance | 02/11/2023 | Christ University | International |
10 | Conference | Participant | 4th International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS-23) | 02/11/2023 | Christ University | International | |
11 | Conference | Presenter | AIIB'23 | Unbiased Modified Ridge Fuzzy Regression Model | 30/03/2023 | Christ University | International |
12 | Conference | Presenter | AIIB'23 | For the logistic regression model-an improved two parameter regression estimator | 30/03/2023 | Christ University | International |
13 | Conference | Moderator/Chair | XVI Biennial Conference on International Biometric Society-Indian Region(AIIB'23) | 30/03/2023 | Christ University | International | |
14 | Conference | Moderator/Chair | XVI Biennial Conference on International Biometric Society-Indian Region(AIIB'23) | 30/03/2023 | Christ University | International | |
15 | Conference | Presenter | 42nd World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology | Regression Control Charts-A Survey | 25/11/2022 | IFERP Malaysia | International |
16 | Seminar | Participant | A Webinar on "India's 5G Future" | 15/10/2022 | IFERP | International | |
17 | Seminar | Participant | One day International Webinar on "Current State of Econometrics and Career Prospects of Young Minds" | 12/09/2022 | Central University of Rajasthan | International | |
18 | Conference | Presenter | Internal Conference on Recent Advances in Material Science and Computational Techniques | On the Influencing Facets of Infant Mortality in Karnataka: A Study based on Birth Orders | 30/05/2022 | Manipal University Jaipur | International |
19 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Sciences and Computational Techniques | A Study of Faliure Prediction of Indian Banks Using Various Machine Learning Algorithms-An Examination of Predictive Accuracy | 30/05/2022 | Manipal University Jaipur | International |
20 | Conference | Presenter | RAMSACT-2.0 | Consumer Churn Behavious Prediction in Telecommunication using Classification Algorithm and Modelling | 30/05/2022 | Manipal University Jaipur | International |
21 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS 2021) | Lifestyle Diseases Prevalent in Urban Slums of South India | 16/04/2021 | Christ University | International |
22 | Conference | Presenter | International Conference on Data Science, Computation and Security (IDSCS 2021) | Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behaviour: An Empirical Study of Bangalore | 16/04/2021 | Christ University | International |
23 | Conference | Participant | International Conference on Sustainable advanced computing (ICSAC2021) | 05/03/2021 | Christ University | International | |
24 | Seminar | Participant | National level webinar on Statistical inference and its applications | 20/06/2020 | St Francis College Kormangala | National | |
25 | Seminar | Participant | Webinar on Linear Regression | 15/06/2020 | Dr. Shivanand Nautiyal Government post graduate college Karanprayag Chamoli | National | |
26 | Seminar | Participant | UGC sponsored Six days National Webinar on Discovering Statistics using R | 15/06/2020 | KBN College Vijayawada | National | |
27 | Conference | Presenter | ICSADADS-2020 | Forecasting and modeling monthly rainfall data in bangaluru, India: An application of time series models | 20/02/2020 | Amrita vishwa vidyapeetham, school of engineering, Coimbatore | International |
28 | Seminar | Participant | Intellectual Property Rights with Focus on Patents | 08/02/2020 | Christ University | Institutional |
Sl.No. | Title | Name of Student | Institution | Month Year |
1 | . | HARIPRIYA H | Christ University | April 2023 |
2 | Performance and Availability optimization of Sewage Treatment Plant by Using RAMD and Soft Computing Techniques | Drishty Goyal | Christ University | February 2023 |
Sl.No. | Name of the Research Project | Investigator(s) | Sponsors | Internal/External |
1 | Prenatal Maternal Stress and Potential Birth Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study Among Pregnant Women in Bangalore | SREEJA GANGADHARAN P, SALEEMA J S,HEMLATA JOSHI | Internal | |
2 | Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Maternal Health Providers Regarding Anaemia Prevention and Treatment in Bangalore | HEMLATA JOSHI, JOSEPH DURAI SELVAM J,SALEEMA J S,SREEJA GANGADHARAN P | Internal |
Sl.No. | Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme | Name of Oraganiser | Level | Date |
1 | Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Research, Writing, and Analysis | UGC and Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Center, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (ISM) DHANBAD | 11/11/2024 | |
2 | FDP on Mastering Innovative Online Course Development | Centre for Digital Learning in collaboration with Centre for Concept Design, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | Institutional | 11/03/2024 |
3 | e training program on ?Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach? | Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | Institutional | 28/02/2024 |
4 | training program on Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach | Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC), CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | Institutional | 28/02/2024 |
5 | Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE | Christ University | Institutional | 05/12/2022 |
6 | A Project on "Create a promotional video using Canva" | Coursera | International | 20/11/2022 |
7 | Faculty Development Program on Research Project Proposal Writing | Research Cell, Dept of Statistics and Data Science, Christ University | Institutional | 18/11/2022 |
8 | One Day International Webinar on "Current State of Econometrics and Career Prospects of Young Minds" | Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, in association with Research club, Department of Statistics | International | 12/09/2022 |
9 | Faculty Development Program on Research Innovation and IPR | Research Cell, Dept of Statistics and Data Science, Christ University | Institutional | 25/08/2022 |
10 | FDP-I | Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum(CEDBEC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) | Institutional | 06/07/2022 |
11 | Refresher Training Program | Central Coffee Research Institute Karnataka | National | 13/06/2022 |
12 | FDP on Data Visualization using Tableau | Department of Statistics CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | Institutional | 12/07/2021 |
13 | National Workshop on Advanced Regression Using R | Department of Science, Christ Academy Institute for advanced Studies | National | 29/06/2021 |
14 | FDP-1 2021 | CEDBEC and HRDC Christ University | Institutional | 16/06/2021 |
15 | FDP on Nurturing Academic Leadership-A multidimensional perspective | Christ University | Institutional | 26/04/2021 |
16 | Statistical Computing using Python | Department of Statistics CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | Institutional | 12/04/2021 |
17 | Five days FDP on "Objective oriented financial planning and investing for individuals" | School of Commerce, Finance, Accountancy, Christ University Delhi-NCR | National | 08/02/2021 |
18 | Programming Essentials for Mathematics using Python | Department of Mathematics, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | National | 09/08/2020 |
19 | Developing the SIR model | Imperial college London | International | 26/05/2020 |
20 | Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis | Santa Cruz, University of California | International | 21/05/2020 |
21 | Survival Analysis in R for Public Health | Imperial college London | Institutional | 20/05/2020 |
22 | Survival Analysis in R for Public Health | Imperial college London | International | 20/05/2020 |
23 | Regression Models | Johns Hopkins University | International | 15/05/2020 |
24 | Logistic regression in R for Public Health | Johns Hopkins University | International | 15/05/2020 |
25 | Logistic Regression in R for Public Health | Imperial College London | International | 15/05/2020 |
26 | Programming for everyone (getting started with Python)) | University of Michigan | International | 12/05/2020 |
27 | Practical Machine Learning | Johns Hopkins University | International | 27/04/2020 |
28 | Quality improvement program on Online Teaching | CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | 22/04/2020 | |
29 | R Programming | Johns Hopkins University | Institutional | 21/04/2020 |
30 | MOOC | Coursera | International | 14/04/2020 |
31 | The Data Scientist's Toolbox | Johns Hopkins University | International | 14/04/2020 |
32 | Orientation Program | CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore | 06/01/2020 |
Sl.No. | Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others | Description | Organisation | Month/ Year |
1 | Young Researcher Award 2020 | Institute of Scholars-InSc | 25 December 2020 | |
2 | Best Research Paper Award | Received the best research paper award in the paper presentation in the international conference on XVi BIENNEAL CONFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY-INDIAN REGION(AIIB'23 )-Probabilistic Modelling Track , organized by the Department of Statistics and Data Science in collaboration with International Biometric Society-Indian Region | Christ University and IBS | 31 March 2023 |
3 | Best Research Paper Award | Received the best research paper award in the paper presentation in the international conference on XVi BIENNEAL CONFERENCE OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY-INDIAN REGION(AIIB'23 )-Probabilistic Modelling Track , organized by the Department of Statistics and Data Science in collaboration with International Biometric Society-Indian Region | Christ University and IBS | 31 March 2023 |
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